Susan Wu

Susan Cheong, WSET Wine Educator in Chinese with Statera Academy
Susan Wu, WSET Wine Educator in Chinese

Susan Wu,WSET三级,正在攻读DipWSET。2018年接触WSET,系统且深入的学习了WSET各级。熟知WSET体系,娴熟掌握考试技巧。秉承着“严谨品酒,轻松喝酒”的态度用心喝酒20年。深深热爱葡萄酒,渴望将所学传递给更多人。引导学生在学习中领略葡萄酒的魅力,让葡萄酒学习别具一格,摆脱枯燥。善于以生动幽默方式教授,帮助学生巧妙记忆知识点,轻松迎接考试。



Susan Wu, WSET Level 3 certification achieved, currently pursuing DipWSET. Engaged with WSET since 2018, and methodically studied through the system. Possess a thorough understanding of WSET’s structure and specifications, proficient in exam skills. Susan adheres to the philosophy of “Taste with profession, drink with passion,” and she has been a dedicated enthusiast for nearly 20 years. Her pursuits of studying, teaching, and drinking are all fueled by the passion for wine. She is devoted to sharing her knowledge, leads students to explore the beauty of wine with a focus on enjoyment, and mastering key exam points so approach assessments with confidence.

With a decade of experience running retail businesses, Susan is also an avid traveler and a lover of food and wine. Having encountered diverse people, places, and wine, she loves to share what she has experienced, seen, and tasted. She believes there’s a story in every bottle, so guiding you through the journey with the story inside the bottle will make your tasting more delightful. While your initial encounter with WSET may mark the first episode, it is also the overture to unfold the wine feast in your life.